Foot kit one time use

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Bloom Dead Sea Foot Kit – Dead Sea Gifts
Foot Kit Benefits/Key Points :
Unique combination of minerals and Trace elements formulated by Nature at the largest beauty par lour.
To combine using unique & pure natural products in a special treatment will defiantly take you back to nature.
This Foot Kit Includes :
Foot Mask 130 g
Foot Scrub 30 g
Foot Cream 4 g
Foot Salt 50 g
Sponge Bar (needs Pre-wetting)
How To Use :
1. Soak Feet in warm water with Bloom Bath Salt Solution for 5 minutes.
2. Dry feet using cotton towels.
3. Apply BLOOM Foot Scrub for 5 minutes with circular motion massage then dry using cotton towels.
4. Warm Bloom pure natural Foot Mask, apply on all feet areas (Feet must be free from cuts).
5. Wrap feet with plastic sheets then with Towel or bandage, Leave for 5 minutes.
6. Wash with warm water, Dry well.
7. Apply Bloom foot cream with relaxing massage in circular motion for extra moisturizing.
Dead Sea Gifts | Bloom Dead Sea Products Jordan
Dead Sea Gifts | Bloom Dead Sea Products Jordan
More Bloom products for you:
Dead Sea Foot Cream Bloom
How to get the maximum benefits from the Bloom unique collection
Do you want to join the Bloom lovers worldwide? for maximum benefit from Bloom the high quality, approved, exported and used in more than 42 countries until now
Please follow the following steps:
1. Wash your face using Bloom mud soap and your body using Bloom mineral salt soap .
2. Recommended to use Water vapor with Chamomile flower for preparing the face.
3. Apply Bloom mud mask as per the directions wash your face / body with warm water
4. Using Bloom facial scrub once a week is recommended
5. Use the Bloom scrub after using the Bloom Mud mask if you will use them at the same time.
6. Apply Bloom day/night cream for your face and Bloom lotion for your body after using Bloom mud mask
Or Bloom bath salts.
7. For smooth and gradual skin nutrition with Dead Sea mineral and trace elements. In order to get ideal skin
Metabolism /skin building we recommend using every Bloom item as per the directions on each item pack.
8. Use Bloom massage oil before Bloom body mask for extra relaxing.
General Notes:
• Do not Mix using different cosmetic brands at a time.
• Stick with the direction of each Bloom item
• It is good to use chamomile flowers vapor for face once a month
• It is recommended to eat and drink healthy and balanced food such as fruits, vegetates and lots of
Water to help getting excellent results.
• Since we use shampoo, soaps, creams and lotion almost every day, why not to think using the whole
Bloom Natural Rich collection from the Dead Sea as they are very essential to build skin cells ideally.
• Bloom products should be stored in room conditions, not to be exposed to direct sunlight and
Keep away from humid places.
• Bloom products are for external use only
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